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We direct bill to Alberta Blue Cross, GreenShield, Manulife, Sunlife, Great West Life, CINUP, Chambers of Commerce, Cowan, Desjardins Insurance, First Canadian, Industrial Alliance, Johnson Inc, Johnston Group Inc. Maximum Benefit, Nexgen Rx, Equitable and The Cooperator's

Massage Therapy is an effective treatment of many conditions. Most commonly treated conditions that we can help you with are the following:

  • Sports Injuries

  • Repetitive Strain injuries (RSI)

  • Tendonitis (Tennis and Golfer’s condition)

  • Thoracic Outlet Syndrome

  • Headaches

  • Muscle pain and spasm

  • Carpal Tunnel

  • Sciatic pain

  • Pre and Post natal

  • MVA, Whiplash

  • Chronic injuries

  • And many others.


Treatment plan/s are specific to you and your personal need. We will adapt a treatment plan depending on your previous injuries, pain levels, lifestyle and biomechanics.



***GST included

$150.00/ 90 minutes

$135.00/ 75 minutes

$110.00 / 60 minutes      

$99/ 60 minutes senior / student rates

$90.00/ 45 minutes        $81.00/ 45 minutes senior/ student rates

$75.00/ 30 minutes        $67.50/ 30 minutes senior /student rates

*We direct bill to most plans or we can issue you receipts to claim your reimbursement. Please check with your extended health plan provider as each plan coverage varies.



Pressure points are applied on areas of muscular tension. Firm pressure is maintained and hold till adhesion is released. Stimulating the muscles, joints, ligaments, tendons and fascia thereby,  relieving tension, aches and pain. Make sure to communicate feedback so pressure is adjusted to your comfort.

Pressure Points


Cupping Therapy is another form of massage therapy that is added to your treatment. A heated cupping glass is placed on the skin for few minutes. The heat from the glass cup creates a vacuum and blood vessels dilates. The heat and pulling suction loosens up tight musculature, inflammation, increase blood flow to the area and brings relaxation and well being to the site. This is another form of deep tissue work. Make sure to inform your therapist any concerns you have or medical history. Cupping marks are common to happen, and disappears in a few days.

Leg Injury


Sport Massage Therapy is use to prevent injuries, and prepare the body for athletic activities, maintain optimal condition to recover from workout and prevent injuries. The body is move in different planes throughout the treatment. Techniques are quick, fast and stimulating. Great for Pre, Inter, and Post events.

Reiki Treatment


Gentle firm pressure is use to bring about relaxation and comfort. Reduces stress and sense of well being is achieved.


"We are healed from suffering only by experiencing it to the full"


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